That's very cool and clever.
Reclaiming the serial terminal in a USB way.
It alao makes for a really cool out of band communication path. Pondering what this coupled with WiFi could do.
But they are not as compatible as the open source one being developed.
Edit: I got it the wrong way around, see wolrah below.
"The CEC CSC0101A is an integral micro-controller for converting PS/2 interface signal to USB applications"
That's the other way around, for which adapters have been widely available since the dawn of USB.
Adapters like the subject of this thread allowing modern USB HIDs to be connected to older computers are much harder to find. I remember at one point seeing one advertised in a CDW catalog, but just that statement alone should date it.
But they aren't cheap. I hope open-source projects like this one will result in them being cheaply available on AliExpress and the like.
I use to be into RC flight. Back then, the controllers could plug into a PC via a serial port. I had to buy an active adapter to use it since I didn't have a PC with a serial port, anymore.
USB to serial adapter are a dime a dozen but they do the opposite of this. The usb side is on the pc which has drivers to handle a lot of the complexity.
For a few years the most reliable way to use a USB keyboard was through a PS/2 adapter that plugged into the motherboard. I remember there was quite some time where USB keyboards came with PS/2 adapters and sometimes even a pigtail to go to whatever that bigger round jack was called (a DIN connector?)
Just... how? USB hubs have been around for > 2 decades, the IP cores for USB 1 used in hub chips should have stabilized long ago...
The existing solutions for that are proprietary hardware or firmware.
I have one for my Macintosh 512ke and it works great for the non-adb mouse and keyboard.
I choose it over the HIDman since you can buy it assembled and it works with a RaspberryPi 3.
The ADB-USB Wombat is a pretty decent solution if you prefer to buy something already made.