How is Laminar different from the swarm of other “LLM observability” platforms?
On the observability part, we’re focused on handling full execution traces, not just LLM calls. We built a Rust ingestor for OpenTelemetry (Otel) spans with GenAI semantic conventions. As LLM apps get more complex (think Agents with hundreds of LLM and function calls, or complex RAG pipelines), full tracing is critical. With Otel spans, we can: 1. Cover the entire execution trace. 2. Keep the platform future-proof 3. Leverage an amazing OpenLLMetry (, open-source package for span production.
The key difference is that we tie text analytics directly to execution traces. Rich text data makes LLM traces unique, so we let you track “semantic metrics” (like what your AI agent is actually saying) and connect those metrics to where they happen in the trace. If you want to know if your AI drive-through agent made an upsell, you can design an LLM extraction pipeline in our builder (more on it later), host it on Laminar, and handle everything from event requests to output logging. Processing requests simply come as events in the Otel span.
We think it’s a win to separate core app logic from LLM event processing. Most devs don’t want to manage background queues for LLM analytics processing but still want insights into how their Agents or RAGs are working.
Our Pipeline Builder uses graph UI where nodes are LLM and util functions, and edges showing data flow. We built a custom task execution engine with support of parallel branch executions, cycles and branches (it’s overkill for simple pipelines, but it’s extremely cool and we’ve spent a lot of time designing a robust engine). You can also call pipelines directly as API endpoints. We found them to be extremely useful for iterating on and separating LLM logic. Laminar also traces pipeline directly, which removes the overhead of sending large outputs over the network.
One thing missing from all LLM observability platforms right now is an adequate search over traces. We’re attacking this problem by indexing each span in a vector DB and performing hybrid search at query time. This feature is still in beta, but we think it’s gonna be crucial part of our platform going forward.
We also support evaluations. We loved the “run everything locally, send results to a server” approach from Braintrust and Weights & Biases, so we did that too: a simple SDK and nice dashboards to track everything. Evals are still early, but we’re pushing hard on them.
Our goal is to make Laminar the Supabase for LLMOps - the go-to open-source comprehensive platform for all things LLMs / GenAI. In it’s current shape, Laminar is just few weeks old and developing rapidly, we’d love any feedback or for you to give Laminar a try in your LLM projects!
How can adding analytics to a system that is designed to act like humans produce any good? What is the goal here? Could you clarify why would some need to analyze LLMs out of all the things?
> Rich text data makes LLM traces unique, so we let you track “semantic metrics” (like what your AI agent is actually saying) and connect those metrics to where they happen in the trace
But why does it matter? Because at the current state these are muted LLMs overseen by the big company. We have very little to control the behavior and whatever we give it, it will mostly be 'politically' correct.
> One thing missing from all LLM observability platforms right now is an adequate search over traces.
Again, why do we need to evaluate LLMs? Unless you are working in a security, I see no purpose because these models aren't as capable as they used to be. Everything is muted.
For context: I don't even need to prompt engineer these days because it just gives similar result by using the default prompt. My prompts these are literally three words because it gets more of the job done that way than giving elaborate prompt with precise example and context.
It may be fair to characterize what they’re doing as interpolative retrieval, but there’s no reason to deny that the “interpolative” part pulls a lot of weight.
P.S. Yes, reliability is a major problem for many potential LLM applications, but that is immaterial to the question of whether they're doing something qualitatively different from point lookups followed by summarization.
"Correct" is a big overstatement, unless by "SQL" you mean something extremely basic and ubiquitous.
For many cases this is more than enough to solve some hard problems well enough.
If these LLMs were cheap and easy to train (or is it fine tune?) using your own schema and code base on top of its existing “whole internet” training data… it could almost certainly do more than just provide “basic stuff”.
Of course I think the training for your own personal stuff would need to be “different” somehow so it knows that while most of its training is generalistic the stuff you feed it is special and it needs to apply the generalist training as a means for understanding your personal stuff.
Or something like that. Whatever the case is it would need to be cheap, quick and easy to pick up a generalist LLM and supplement it with the entirety of your own personal corpus.
One of my clients must comply with a cyber risk framework with ~350 security requirements, many of which are so poorly written that misinterpretation is both common and costly.
But there are other, more well-written and described frameworks that include "mappings" between the two frameworks.
In the past I would take one of the vague security requirements, read the mapping to the well described framework to understand the underlying risk, the intent of the question, as well as likely mitigating measures (security controls). On average, that would take between 45-60 minutes per question. Multiply that out it's ~350 * 45 minutes or around 262 hours.
My first attempts to use AI for this yielded results that had some value, but lacked the quality to provide to the client.
On this past weekend, using python, Sonnet 3.5, JSON schemas, I managed to get the entire ~350 questions documented with a quality level exceeding what I could achieve manually.
It cost $10 in API credits and approx 14 hrs of my time (I'm sure a pro could easily achieve this in under 1 hour). The code itself was easy enough, but the big improvements came from the schema descriptions. That was the change that gave me the 'aha' moment.
I read over final results for dangerous errors (but ended up changing nothing at all) but just in case, I ran the results through GPT-4o which also found no issues that would prevent sending it to the client.
I would never get that job done manually, it's simply too much of a grind for a human to do cheaply or reliably.
People have used it to do anything from simple classifications to extracting giant schemas.
> Could you clarify why would some need to analyze LLMs out of all the things?
When you want to understand trends of the output of your Agent / RAG on scale, without looking manually at each trace, you need to another LLM to process the output. For instance, you want to understand what is the most common topic discussed with your agent. You can prompt another LLM to extract this info, Laminar will host everything, and turn this data into metrics.
> Why do we need to evaluate LLMs?
You right, devs who want to evaluate output of the LLM apps, truly care about the quality or some other metric. For this kind of cases evals are invaluable. Good example would be, AI drive-through agents or AI voice agents for mortgages (use cases we've seen on Laminar)
I see that you have chained prompts, does that mean I can define agents and functions inside the platform without having it in the code?
it was my experience, too, then I tried out that cursor thing and turns out a well designed UX around claude 3.5 is the bees knees. it really does work, highly recommend the free trial. YMMV of course depending on what you work on; I tested it strictly on Python.
I was using DD at work and found it to be incredibly helpful but now that I am on my own, I am much more price sensitive.
Still, having a low friction way to see how things are running, check inputs/outputs is a game changer.
One challenge I have run into is a lack of support for Anthropic models. The platforms that do have support are missing key pieces of info like the system prompt. (Prob a skill issue on my end).
Also they seem to all be tightly coupled to langchain, etc which is a no-go.
Will check this out over the next week or two. Very exciting!
Regarding Anthropic instrumentation, we support it out of the box! You don't even need to wrap anything, just do laminar initialize and you should see detailed traces. We also support images! Hit me up at if you need help onboarding or setting up local version
* Ingestion of Otel traces
* Semantic events-based analytics
* Semantically searchable traces
* High performance, reliability and efficiency out of the box, thanks to our stack
* High quality FE which is fully open-source
* LLM Pipeline manager, first of it's kind, highly customizable and optimized for performance
* Ability to track progression of locally run evals, combining full flexibility of running code locally without need to manage data infra
* Very generous free tier plan. Our infra is so efficient, that we can accommodate large number of free tier users without scaling it too much.
And many more to come in the coming weeks! On of our biggest next priorities is to focus on high quality docs.
All of these features can be used as standalone products, similar to Supabase. So, devs who prefer keep things lightweight might just use our tracing solution and be very happy with it.
I really like the stack these folks have chosen.
Why did you decide to build a whole platform and include this feature on top, rather than adding search to (for example) Grafana Tempo?
I know LLM is the new shiny thing right now. Why is semantic search of traces only useful for LLMs?
I've been working in CI/CD and at a large enough scale, searchability of logs was always an issue. Especially as many tools produce a lot of output with warnings and errors that mislead you.
Is the search feature only working in an LLM context? If so why?
it really makes sense. I guess what I was pointing into, is that when you have really rich text (in your case it would be error descriptions), searching over them semantically is a must have feature.
But you are right, being an output of LLM is not a requirement.
We love it because we tried putting things into the UI, but found it to be much more limiting rather that letting users design evals and run them however they want.
We really like langfuse, the team and the product.
Compared to it:
* We send and ingest Otel traces with GenAI semconv
* Provide semantic-event based analytics - you actually can understand what's happening with your LLM app, not just stare at the logs all day.
* Laminar is built be high-performance and reliable from day 0, easily ingesting and processing spikes of 500k+ tokens per seconds
* Much more flexible evals, because you execute everything locally and simply store the results on Laminar
* Go beyond simple prompt management and support Prompt Chain / LLM pipeline management. Extremely useful when you want to host something like Mixture of Agents as a scalable and trackable micro-service.
* It's not released yet, but searchable trace / span data