Show HN: I dropped to part-time work to develop a Design Copilot for developers
Hey HN!

I develop browser extensions, I suck at web design, and I've been exploring AI/LLMs.

With my new found free-time since dropping work hours, I've developed a Design Copilot browser extension [0].

It does what it says on the tin - you choose a part of your website and the tool gives you instant expert design feedback - "change this font to that, add this much whitespace, use brighter colours .... etc"

The tool is completely 100% free to use, its powered by bringing your own AI API Key, and the current LLM it uses is Google Gemini 1.5 Pro. I've yet to hit the free rate-limit and I use the tool myself daily all day.

The tool itself was used to create its own final design!

Let me know what you think, support a dev, give it a try.


[0] -

I realise this is more a show and tell, but if you’re struggling in your career or wanting to know a better path - talk to me!

I dropped a full day of work (due to stress) so I now work 4 days a week, and it’s been life changing truly. Gaining an extra weekend day and losing a day of work is massive for your mental health.

And it’s made me enjoy building projects again for fun.

How many hours were you working before and how many hours now if you don't mind me asking
Was working 40 across 5 days, not working 32 across 4 days
Any chance you'll make this available for Firefox as well?
Yep I will