> Here's the industry's dirty secret: Programmers who don't touch-type fit a profile. ... The profile is this: non-touch-typists have to make sacrifices in order to sustain their productivity.
Jeff Atwood commentary at https://blog.codinghorror.com/we-are-typists-first-programme... .
102 HN comments at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=300920 (plus a scattering of comments in the 9 other postings).
315 Reddit comments at https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/70sqr/programm... .
An early intellectual mentor I had growing up, who was the hardest of hard core C developers, was a hunt and peck typist. Didn't seem to inconvenience him a bit.
(I did have one coworker, years ago, for whom this did not seem to be true: he routinely cranked out the largest volumes of code I've ever seen, by an order of magnitude - but his work was as notable for its sloppy repetition, bugginess, poor spelling, and total lack of abstraction as for its largeness. I think the team might have been more productive as a whole if he had been forced not to touch-type, perhaps by tying one of his hands behind his back while he worked.)
Why do you say it is difficult to imagine being productive without this skill?
Modern IDEs have auto complete so impressive, that you don't need to type much anyway. I type several symbols then stop to let the editor suggest the rest of the word. Can I touch type it myself? Yes. Do I want to? No. There wouldn't be much difference if I typed slower.
NB. When I say "modern IDEs" I mean anything since around Visual Assist, which sorted suggestions not alphabetically, but depending on context. I don't even mean copilot.
But I am still productive enough without being able to touch type.
And it’s not at all obvious to me that touch typing is the most important thing I could learn. Improving my knowledge of CSS and learning Elixir feel like they would do more to make me more productive at work. Maybe even memorising advanced Typescript type hackery.
Why do you think being able to type faster is a better win than being able to type better code, or being able to more quickly decide what to type?
It is useful, because you can focus more on the code on the screen, and/or reference material, than you could if you needed to be looking at what your fingers are doing on the keyboard.
what a weird career limiting decision to make.
My keyboard changes somewhat every time I buy a new laptop or have to sit down in front of someone else's machine for a while, eg a pool machine at uni. Especially the UK/US thing. Or use my phone and its various virtual keyboards. My daughter has just acquired one of the older MacBooks with a soft/programmable bar at the top. That changes dynamically. Would have broken my use of one of the few keys I do 'touch' type with muscle memory: ESC for vi, so I skipped that round of Macs.
Please don't make careless absolute or other very strong (wrong) statements if you want to have useful conversations without infuriating those who are careful with words.
Since we don’t have a way to measure “being productive” in an objective or meaningful way you just assume without evidence that inability to touch-type decreases productivity. Programming requires typing but only incidentally — the real work happens in the brain, not in the fingers.
I’d concentrate on requiring ability to solve problems in code first, and then ability to program. Typing falls much lower on the list of desired skills. Too many programmers can’t even program effectively.
IMHO touch typing is clearly not essential.
One reason I can't is because I spent a fair amount of time doing sysadmin and user support for multinationals, using lots of different keyboards with US / UK / other layouts. I simply didn't have the luxury of a fixed layout to get fast against.
And sysadmin / dev success is simply not measured in WPM.
I suspect that you have a very narrow view of what are the realities and priorities for all the people that develop software all over the world.
That or you should maybe rein in the hyperbole.
> It's hard to imagine a computer programmer being productive without this essential life skill.
To the extent this is not a failure of imagination, then, the problem is solved by requiring programmers to be productive.
Note that this also deals with the possibility that your impression is a failure of imagination.