Ask HN: What's a Good Alternative to WordPress
Hi HN, as someone wanting to migrate off Wordpress, what are some recommendations you have?
Why do you want to migrate off Wordpress? Your answer will probably influence the options you should consider.
I’ll echo what others have said here: Craft CMS. It has excellent content modelling features and an editing experience that keeps clients happy. It’s PHP, which makes it easy to host, but developing for it doesn’t feel like going 15 years into the past like WordPress or Drupal. It also has a great plug-in ecosystem.

I also recommend Wagtail CMS, which is Python and built on top of Django. It’s slightly trickier to host, and doesn't have the ecosystem, but also has robust content modelling. It might be better if you’re building something truly unique, and don’t mind doing more work in-house.

Really depends on what you need and the resources you have

- landing pages - instapage is great - drag and drop site builder + blog: webflow and builder on top of the list - headless CMS (you have developers to build new temapltes): contentful and sanity are in the lead

Hope this helps

You need to provide more context. Right now it's like saying "what's a good alternative to trees".

Alternative for what? People (ab)use Wordpress for all number of things that are better suited by more specifically focused tools.

Depending in the use case you could use a static site generator, e.g. Hugo.
I’ve used Statamic for a project and really liked it.
I've used Craft CMS in the past and liked it.
Craft CMS, but I am biased.
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  • 2 months ago
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