Ask HN: Azure Ran Out of Capacity?
We tried provisioning a database in US EAST. We were denied. We submitted a support request. We were told they could not provision the database due to high demand in that region (what??). We pivoted to US EAST 2 and am now getting blocked trying to deploy an App Service.

Azure, you have one job and that's to ALWAYS deploy the infrastructure I request.

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a work around?

I abandoned Azure a few weeks ago over this. I was trying to spin up something approximating a basic-ass 2 core windows server in any region and was getting denied.

If you have a choice, I would move to a different provider. Microsoft needs a wakeup call. I don't know how you can tout "hyperscalar" when your customers are standing in line and begging for days to get at a single bowl of soup.

  • aprdm
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  • 1 month ago
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I have reached limits on all cloud providers, it might surprise you but there's no "real cloud", it's just computers, and computers are a limited number of resources. For many reasons cloud providers might run out of computers on regions
Nope, not a surprise. I've been doing cloud for a while.

What I've never experienced from a cloud provider is a denial at creating infrastructure and told to use a different region.

This is when you ask for a discount
You want them to charge you less for what they can't provide you?
Exactly, that's how business works. You calculate the cost it will take to deploy in the new region, and tell them, in order for your business to move there, instead of using AWS or GCP or any competitor, we need 3-years at this rate. And they will do it.
OpenAI is probably taking all their servers?
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  • 1 month ago
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