Our organization (the American Federation for Aging Research) is hosting a webinar with Jay Olshansky (author of the paper) and Andrew Scott, a leading economist in longevity to discuss Jay's results on 10/22.

The gist is that this isn't quite as cut and dry as it may seem.

We also paid to make the Nature Aging paper open access.

Event: https://www.afar.org/events/webinar-lifeexpectancy-1

> We also paid to make the Nature Aging paper open access.

That’s awesome! Did you make a deal with the authors to pay for the fee during publication or is this something anyone can do by approaching the journal itself?

Thanks! I wasn't directly involved in that discussion, but I imagine anyone can do it. It is a requirement for some grants and for some research funders.

Edit: if you need to know I would just ask the editor if it's an option

>We also paid to make the Nature Aging paper open access.

What a world to live in.

> Can we overcome ageing?

75% American are overweight..

Just let it sink a second, they speak about how many baby born after 2000 will reach 100 years old, how we are reaching the absolute limit of human survival.

75% overweight... Everyone know fat people don't live long. I bet all the studies done in the 90's that predicted we would easily be able to reach 100 years old didn't take that into account.

I'm thinking that ozempic and zepbound will have something to say about this. When ozempic becomes available as a generic (2032) it's going to be available for $10 a dose and a huge amount of people will be taking it.
How do you know they don’t have side effects that would reduce max life expectancy?
People have been taking them for decades for other reasons, so if they had side effects reducing max life expectancy worse than being overweight surely we'd know by now.
Entirely possible they do - but those effects would probably manifest in some fashion earlier than actual death. We'll have at least 7 years to see if we can spot them. But, even if they do exist, they will probably be small (given we haven't found them so far), and the positive effect on life expectancy via weight loss is huge.

i.e. the benefits of the weight loss almost certainly outweigh any side effects that are likely to manifest.

Wait, doing amphetamines for weight loss is cool again and has no drawbacks of it's own?
Ozempic isn’t anywhere near the amphetamine class of weight control prescriptions, where are you getting your misinformation from?
I don't think ozempic is amphetamines.
Welcome to the 80s part 2. Hope you enjoy the ride.
That’s a bizarre hill to die on, I see all kinds of larger people survive into their 90s when I was living near and volunteering at a nursing home as a teenager
> Everyone know fat people don't live long.

studies estimate that moderate obesity takes about 2-3 years of life expectancy (defined as having a BMI of 30-35), only people with severe obesity (BMI of 40-45+) lose on average 6-13 years, comparable to smoking.

Given that severe obesity is still uncommon even in the rich world it only has a small impact on life expectancy overall.

Combined with getting in your car and driving absolutely everywhere (most Americans)?
  • asdff
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  • 1 hour ago
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This is what people also don't realize. When these sorts of people get old they become immobile as they lose what precious little of actual muscle mass they had and unsupported joints start failing left and right. Sure your life expectancy might only be 2-3 years shy. What about your health span? That's what most people are actually interested in extending when they talk about living longer.
Yeah, this is why I lift everyday and I plan too until I can no longer do it. Lifting is also good for mobility if done correctly. Especially deep squats.

Hunched over old people do not have the muscle mass to help keep them upright, I guess amongst other things.

There is probably a distinction to be made between

"here is the theoretical limit given adherence to modern recommendations on cardiovascular health, exercise, etc."


"you all didn't listen and got fat instead"

I'm actually a little surprised at the framing here. I didn't realize anyone thought we could overcome aging. I thought the goal was to live longer, but not to completely overcome aging. That sounds somewhat foreign to me. Is that a commonly reasonable goal for folks?

That is to say, I'm not clear that "beating aging" is what is required for "long life." Is that definitionally required and I'm just being dense?

I'm assuming this is a tiered discussion? In that nobody thinks we should freeze aging at baby stages for someone. Such that we would still want some aging, but would then try and fix a point where all aging can be stopped?

It's the bit of life where you can dress yourself and control your bowels that most people would like to extend. I think nobody gets into longevity research hoping they'll be able to dodder around a nursing home with a walker for 25 years instead of 15.
  • taeric
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  • 50 minutes ago
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But you could do that by extending the bit of your life where you can do those things. Not necessarily turning off aging?

As I said down thread, this could just be a potato/potahto thing? If this is just definitionally beating getting frail, then that makes sense. But I don't know that I could pin down an age that I would want to freeze progress at. Nor do I think I expected that there would be a general age to freeze aging at. Let me keep my strength longer, but I expect I will be/look/appear older and older the older I get.

Now, granted, I'd be delighted if I have the same strength my 90 year old grandfather in law did. In his 70s, I'm pretty sure the only thing I could beat him at was a race. Lifting things or doing manual work outside, and he was far beyond what I was in my 30s.

> Is that a commonly reasonable goal for folks?

Why not? Humans have been pursuing immortality for time immemorial. "The Epic of Gilgamesh", one of the first known stories, features such a pursuit.

I think it is just a difference in how you view it? I'd expect ancient person to be noticeably ancient. Not necessarily frail, but just as an old tree has signs of aging that younger trees don't necessarily have. Not that they stopped aging entirely.

So, if you limit aging to "getting frail," I am fully there. But there are other things that happen as you age.

I honestly thought the whole point was beating aging. Whether that's longer life or cancer or whatever. The point is to stay 20-40 forever, from what I can tell.
But, by the time you hit 20-40, you have already done a ton of aging?

Fair that I don't expect to be as strong in my 60s as I am now. Or when I hit 70+. If I get that far. Light weight training is plenty to get to be in good physical shape, though? Get to where you can do 10-30 pushups and run a continuous mile, and you are probably doing fine?

But why would you not want to beat aging in a medical sense? I don't really understand your logic here.
But this gets to my question, essentially? Is "aging for the elderly" different than "aging for the middle aged?"

So, what does it mean to "beat aging in a medical sense?" If it is just definitionally to not have any of the bad effects of aging, then sure. Of course I would want that. What are the names for the good things that are generally along for the ride with aging?

Going back to my earlier quip, if you could turn off aging for babies/toddlers, how would that be a good thing?

It wouldn't. So you wouldn't do that. It would be like giving an insulin pump to someone who wasn't diabetic. Why would you?
  • taeric
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  • 55 minutes ago
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This may somewhat surprise you, but I would ask the same for people in the 30s. 40s even, at this point. Freezing someone at that age doesn't sound appealing to me. At all.

So the heart of my question is why do we view "defeating aging" as the same as "living longer?" Or is this something where the target age that people would want to be generally coalesces on a common number?

"Aging" in the context of "defeating aging" refers to the phenomena of declining metabolism and deteriorating genetic data.

Wrinkling skin, graying hair, loss of muscle mass and bone density, loss of mental acuity, decline of libido, late-life diseases (eg: cancer, Alzheimer's, type-2 diabetes), and so on.

It's scientifically proven that our bodies spend enormous amounts of energy up into our 20s when we reach sexual maturity and then glide through on momentum through our 30s into our 40s when we are raising our children.

Once we're in our late 40s to early 50s we're done spawning new life and our bodies throw in the towel, starting the slow but inevitable deterioration culminating in death.

It's that whole physical process that we as a species want to overcome, we want to defy being just machines for spawning more machines. Life is fucking evil.

Growing wiser from more and more life experiences is also part of aging, but it's not what we refer to when we say "defeat aging".

> The decline in the United States is driven by increasing numbers of deaths because of conditions such as diabetes and heart disease in people aged roughly 40 to 60.

People are asking if we should be surprised by the headline but are missing this. As suggested in the article by the researchers, there is something dragging down the average since the 2010s. Not even hitting the general expectation of ~75 years. We don’t have solid answers yet, only theories.

So yes, generally while going up against the process of aging is going to create barriers (eg can we get to 130 years old), we are also failing to raise the baseline which is the bigger issue that people might not grasp when it comes to “life expectancy rates”.

> We don’t have solid answers yet, only theories.

The exact quote you gave had a pretty solid answer, certainly not just "theories".

That's not what I meant. A solid answer as to why those conditions are happening, not the fact that they are happening at all.

We have research on what can affect heart health, like what things might be linked to it, such as smoking and alcohol. We also know genetics plays a huge role.

So we don't actually have solid answers, actionable answers as to the rise of heart health issues. Look at this analysis[1] regarding how dietary guidelines specifically for fats (saturated, trans) have very little substantial evidence supporting it. Yet this gets repeated by the average person, that fats are the ultimate evil you must avoid. In another study[2] we find that reducing your fat intake still resulted in the same rates of mortality as those who ate more. This is also why more in the space are shifting away from these sort of claims ("only eat x amount of saturated fat per day") and more to general food composition (eg who cares if a fish has saturated fats, eat the fish with vegetables).

It's quite challenging to figure out, everyone has their theories. All I'm saying is we don't actually have the answers yet.

[1]: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9794145/ [2]: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8092457/

Perhaps there are many causes of heart disease and diabetes. It is likely that actionable information would require a case-by-case assessment. That is exactly what doctors do, so getting people time with doctors seems pretty useful.

Regarding other factors, American culture is fairly similar to Canadian culture. However Canadians have free healthcare, meaning more Canadians see doctors than Americans. So I wonder if they have lower levels of obesity, heart disease and diabetes, and if their lifespans have also been decreasing.

> Yet this gets repeated by the average person, that fats are the ultimate evil you must avoid.

I've been hearing this complaint (that the guidelines claim fat are the worst) for way too long, when in (my) reality, all the guidelines I've seen in the last 25 years has put more emphasis on carbs than on fats (i.e. too many carbs is evil).

I know "low fat" diets were the craze a long time ago. And sure, advertisers still like to slap "low/no fat" labels. But I believe the actual recommendation has been to lower carbs since around the 90's.

This is ultimately a strawman.

To be fair the framing of “carbs are evil” is also lazy. The root cause of most cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes is obesity due to excess calories of any sort (although once you’re diabetic or prediabetic carbs are a HUGE problem no matter what).

The modern lifestyle is incredibly sedentary and every civilisation is built on staple foods that can feed hours of manual labour (with modern snacks thrown on top).

Calling a major food group evil is just a good scapegoat because it’s much more palatable than telling people that they don’t move enough and eat too much food.

All of this shit is stupid. Research has pretty conclusively shown at this point that a high proportion of calories coming from saturated fat specifically will raise LDL cholesterol levels, in people who have neither genetic predisposition toward low or high LDL. If you have one of those, it won't make a difference either way.

Whether that leads to actual heart disease is iffier, but not terribly controversial among cardiologists as far as I can tell. It's only doubted on the Internet where everyone wants to be a galaxy brain with some answer the doctors don't want you to know.

But nobody ever demonized fat in general, and demonizing carbs is just as stupid. Eating enormous amounts of carbs is fine as long as you actually use them. My daily calories right now are around 3,900 with carbs at 650 grams a day, a fair amount being syrups I eat early in the morning while running. If you listened to the Internet, you'd believe I was diabetic already, yet basically every remotely serious endurance athlete eats like this and is fine. Glucose that is continuously and immediately shuttled into muscle cells to power mitochondria and provide energy for movement does no harm whatsoever. It's roughly the entire point of animal metabolism. Glucose that sits around in your blood forever because you're sitting around staring at a screen for 16 hours a day while stuffing your face is what causes problems because of all the oxidizing effects of glucose when it isn't taken apart quickly and turned into ATP.

My BMI is 21.6 for what it's worth. As far as I can tell, the whole "mystery" behind why no diets work is because no diet can magically make people eat less when they spend the overwhelming majority of their time not moving and hunger decouples from energy expenditure. If you're sufficiently active as a lifelong athlete, every diet works. I ate super sized McFlurries, entire boxes of Entenmann's donuts, and Little Debbie's treats as a teenager as staples of my diet. As an adult, I've tried paleo, zone, mediterranean. Right now, I pretty much just eat the standard American food pyramid. None of these has managed to magically poison my brain or destroy my metabolism because metabolic function can be trained just like any other bodily function and it is trained by doing regular athletic activity with a high energy demand. Just like your muscles atrophy if you never do any resistance training, your metabolism atrophies if you never do any aerobic exercise.

I can't claim to know the secret to weight loss but I know how to never get fat in the first place. On every team I was ever on from middle school to college to my time in the Army, whether that be cross country, track, volleyball, basketball, tennis, or general outdoor adventurism and long-haul hiking with a weighted pack, the overweight rate was never 0 but it sure as shit wasn't 70%. And we were all eating the same "poisons" and manufactured foods from evil Nestle that the rest of you were eating.

  • hu3
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  • 8 hours ago
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I recommend studies about stain medication in increasing life expectancy.

We're talking years of increased life expectancy.

Sadly statin is not without its downsides.

We're talking years of increased life expectancy.

Huh? Statins are a medication type in which increases in life expectancy are extremely hard to point to all. I think they're almost a "poster child" for medications that correct a problem to an extent but whose overall benefit is quite dubious.

(and given that these medications were highly prescribed before any long term studies were finish - creating considerable incentive for people to find benefit - I'd personally wager they are overall harmful but that's me guessing - the main point is they definitely aren't boost-life-expectancy-by-years drugs but probably aren't reduce-life-expectancy-by-years drugs either, given the studies)

Link from google: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3531501/

Every few years, the lobby inserts op-eds insisting that statins are of such indisputable benefit and zero side effects that they should go into the water supply. I understand this from the companies themselves, but I have no idea which studies are convincing normal people that this is sane.

There is no lobbying like the lobbying for massively selling classes of drugs of dubious effect.

> That's not what I meant. A solid answer as to why those conditions are happening, not the fact that they are happening at all.

Nestle ? McDonalds ? Burger King ?

Portion sizes. The average plate is larger than it was, say, in the 60's.
Portion Sizes and the No/Low Fat craze from the 90s mentioned in another post are related.

This is all my THEORY, a speculation that I would like someone to study or to find a study about.

Theory / speculation:

Humans evolved with natural sugars, fats, proteins/meats; primitive cooking, probably some grains (more recently). That's what our bodies know how to process, to react to.

All the fake sugars, modified foods that lack the components our bodies use to regulate internal processes; highly processed foods which also lack those components we need to feel satiated and to produce the messengers to digest correctly: those are likely the causes of obesity (not feeling full, so more eating) and bodies behaving poorly.

'Food Deserts' and corporations that are geared around selling large portions of tasty but unsatisfying food, or only offering huge sizes rather than also offering adults a tasty portion that's not intended for take home leftovers also contribute.

Also: my main vice for this topic. Can I _please_ have lightly caffeinated + carbonated water that isn't outrageously expensive?

  • asdff
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  • 1 hour ago
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Caffeine addiction gets cheap when you stop beating around the bush and start just buying the caffeine pills that are like a cent a pop.
Insane prices for insulin?

edit: you really think insulin prices don't have an effect on the lifespans of diabetics?

Are they insane, though? How many hours average man should work to pay for average monthly dose of the average quality insulin? May be even more affordable than in other countries.
  • Riseed
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  • 52 minutes ago
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I don’t think the average man should have to work any hours to pay for an average monthly dose of average quality anything that they require to stay alive. Perhaps I’m insane.
Who then will work to provide these average monthly doses of things they require?
People putting off healthcare because it costs money?
I think the distinction there is between immediate cause and root cause. Heart disease and diabetes (or complications thereof) is the immediate cause of death, but what is causing an increase in those diseases is theory at this point.
Is it not clearly obesity? Why everyone is obese is perhaps unclear (although portion sizes, ultra processed foods, screen time and sedentary lives, etc, all seem to likely play a clear role), but I’d be surprised if the level of obesity that exists didn’t cause more heart disease and diabetes.
Yes. Why is everyone tiptoeing around this? The obesity rate has increased by something like 50% since the turn of the century. It is a major risk factor for all the causes of death being discussed here. Sure there are probably many factors but this is clearly a big one.
Go here https://www.cdc.gov/bmi/adult-calculator/index.html and enter your height and weight. If you fall above the healthy category, you are part of the obesity rate and are what most research points to when it comes to increased cardiovascular risk. Also for asians the numbers are slightly lower.

I find that when I point this out, people often get mad. They feel they aren't obese. But the research doesn't support them, if you are anywhere outside of the "healthy" categorization you are at the same risk (that we know of so far) as "clinically obese" people.

> If you fall above the healthy category, you are part of the obesity rate

No. If you fall above healthy, you are "overweight". You need a higher BMI to be classified as obese.

I mostly get mad not because obesity isn't a problem, but because BMI is a bad way to measure it. It may work in the general, but it can give bad information in specific cases.

I'm a good example of how it fails. I have long arms and legs which causes my BMI to be fairly low. However, my body fat is fairly high. I need to lose fat but were I to rely solely on BMI I'd think I'm fine.

What I'd want instead of BMI is body fat percentage. I think that gives a much better measure of health problems.

> when I point this out, people often get mad. They feel they aren't obese

We’ve normalised being fat.

Still remember my first time ever setting afoot in USA, Newark airport coming from Norway, in 1999, going to a tech conference.

I saw more grossly obese people at that airport in the first ten minutes than I had back home in probably the previous year. It really stood out to me.

It must be your general dietary makeup and lifestyle. All that corn syrup. Also, I don't see any reason why it would have gotten better since then.

Just calling a spade a spade from an outsider's perspective..

Is it not the case that as BMI increases the risk increases? My BMI is not healthy - and I don’t deny that makes me subject to increased risk - but I would still think morbidly obese is far worse than obese which is worse than overweight, in terms of risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.
Not strictly. Over the past few decades I've occasionally but regularly seen evidence that "overweight but not obese" (BMI 25-30) might actually be healthier than a normal weight (BMI 18.5-25). In those studies obese did have a worse outcome than both.

IIRC mostly they had to do with seasonal sicknesses like the flu, the theory being that your body can burn the extra fat during periods you aren't able to eat well.

That's essentially what "morbidly" means.
  • hu3
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  • 8 hours ago
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My result: 18.5 to 24.9. "Healthy Weight".

I tried adding 10kgs and it said "Overweight".

Seems ok to me.

They even warn that BMI should be used along with other indicators.

Mechanick, J. (2013). “What If” Being Overweight was Good For You? Endocrine Practice, 19(1), 166–168.


The evidence that being overweight is healthier is a bit dubious, but the evidence that having a "normal" BMI is healthier than "overweight" is nonexistent.

Please correct me if I’m wrong, I believe that for aged women, being slightly overweight predicts longevity?
I find obesity a weird problem societally because literature to get people to stop being obese on a population level just kind of sucks. All we know is stuff that doesn't really work. Shaming fat people, pointing out their fatness, or other public pressure doesn't do anything. Strict diets like keto or OMAD don't work on a population level (individuals can get great results but I'm talking enough to statistically move the needle as a population). Ozempic and other injectables seem like the best widespread treatment, but that doesn't tell us any causes.
  • fwip
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  • 3 hours ago
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To the best of my knowledge, there's actually no diet that has been proven to yield long-term weight loss. (There are of course individual success cases.)
There are tons of diets that have been proven to work. Getting people to adhere to them long-term is the problem.
We're not making movement on this because we're not calling it what it is -- an addiction.

We dance around it and call it 'obesity' but the real medical cause of obesity is an addiction to unhealthy food.

This is compounded by the fact that it is completely legal for people to make their food more addictive and therefore unhealthy and advertise it to addicted people with underhanded marketing techniques that take advantage of their addiction.

Until we recognize this as an addiction issue that is compounded by dealers being able to operate with impunity we won't make any headway -- short of technological advancements like Ozempic that allow people to side step their addiction.

> Shaming fat people, pointing out their fatness, or other public pressure doesn't do anything.

Has it? We've tried a few decades of fat positively and just pretending that being fat isn't a personal failure, and just a symptom of society. People have only gotten more fat in that time. Let's try some serious shaming. If you're fat, you should have to pay more for healthcare, food, flights basically everything related to your burden on society.

  • kiba
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  • 2 hours ago
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We've tried a few decades of fat positively and just pretending that being fat isn't a personal failure, and just a symptom of society.

Fat positivity? It's not really a popular position, and is in fact regarded as a loathesome movement.

You think every fat kid, especially those bullied, don't want to be thin?

You think shaming is going to work? That's an uphill battle, especially against the human body and the urges it generate, the causes we do not fully understand.

Normal healthy humans are supposed to be able to self regulate their weight at a healthy level. I have seen at least one friend who has an atrocious diet, poor eating habit, and yet remain rail thin.

If shaming did work, then it would have been implemented widely and obesity is solved. But it's not. We don't have anything that works as well as ozempic.

I am all for taking responsibility, but we ought to be cognizant about the current limitations of our tools and flexible at how we would solve problems, rather than sticking to dogma or trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

For example, I found a psychological trick that enables me to work long hours. Tricks for eventually getting rid of bad food addiction(sadly, I am at it again).

> If shaming did work, then it would have been implemented widely and obesity is solved. But it's not. We don't have anything that works as well as ozempic.

What kind of reasoning is this? This is only true if you believe good policies always get implemented. You'll notice other countries like Japan don't require every man and child to be drugged to stop eating food, and they have a much stronger sense of shame for being an undue burden on society.

  • vkou
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  • 2 hours ago
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We tried a few decades of letting vendors feed us crap food, and it's led to an obesity explosion, maybe that's the problem.

Let's give a few decades of strict control over food suppliers a try, and if that doesn't work, maybe we could look into alternatives.

Why not both? Nobody wanted seatbelts until they were forced to use them, maybe we could try forcing people to eat safer food.
> I find that when I point this out, people often get mad. They feel they aren't obese. But the research doesn't support them, if you are anywhere outside of the "healthy" categorization you are at the same risk (that we know of so far) as "clinically obese" people.

Depends. All cause mortality is notoriously lower for "overweight" people than "normal weight" people.

> I find that when I point this out, people often get mad. They feel they aren't obese. But the research doesn't support them, if you are anywhere outside of the "healthy" categorization you are at the same risk (that we know of so far) as "clinically obese" people.

"Overweight" is longer-lived than "Normal," and "Grade I Obesity" isn't significantly less longer lived than "Normal." So what you're pointing out is misinformation, which is why people are annoyed by it. There is a case that "Normal" includes more sick and dying people because sick people often lose weight, but the difference still can't be as stark as reddit knowledge makes it out to be.


Conclusions and relevance: Relative to normal weight, both obesity (all grades) and grades 2 and 3 obesity were associated with significantly higher all-cause mortality. Grade 1 obesity overall was not associated with higher mortality, and overweight was associated with significantly lower all-cause mortality. The use of predefined standard BMI groupings can facilitate between-study comparisons.

  • hu3
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  • 8 hours ago
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Yeah if I try to handwave obesity impact on diabetes and cardiovascular diseases to the average cardiologist, they are going to tear me a new one within minutes.

I don't know why is this even a question. Do people really think being overweight is a net positive?


Association of all-cause mortality with overweight and obesity using standard body mass index categories: a systematic review and meta-analysis

> Conclusions and Relevance: [...]overweight was associated with significantly lower all-cause mortality.

I am on track to lose about 40lbs in 2024 and I suspect the main variable is really as simple as we have mastered the art of making really incredible tasting food.

It is so pervasive though it is hard to tell until you go on a really boring and restrictive diet. It is just hard to not gain weight on average when the food tastes this good with such incredible variety.

That is even if you buy something at the store. With our "foodie" culture, restaurants are an entire other level of choice and taste on top of that.

Kind of. The tricky thing here is that most people have a rigid view of "obesity" in their minds as it's easier to shift blame to, but the only thing research has shown is that abnormal BMI leads to increased cardiovascular issues. Which includes slightly overweight people.
Higher levels of body fat (which is almost always the cause of a high BMI unless you are an active athlete) is pretty directly tied to inflammation and pre-diabetic insulin resistance. This subsequently results in the liver producing more triglycerides and lipoproteins that clog the circulatory system and the inflammation itself promotes hypertension. All of this together results in more heart attacks and strokes. There's a pretty clear mechanistic link between obesity and cardiovascular disease.

That doesn't mean obese people are "to blame" for any medical complications they might suffer from obesity. It also doesn't mean that obesity is a death sentence; people's bodies function differently and we've all heard stories of pack a day smokers that lived into their 90s. But there is absolutely a connection between the two.

What has been the role in demographic shifts?
Epicureans. No point to live long which means being old for a long period of time. Better to be happy when you are young.
Eating yourself to a point where it hurts your knees to walk, or you get winded going up a flight of stairs, is not the kind of hedonism Epicurus had in mind.
They're going to need new excuses for phasing out state pensions oops sorry I mean "raising the pension age".
I wonder how much impact there will be on average life expectancy uncovering that a lot of the super-long-lived population examples have been pension fraud.
Probably not much because you can find long-lived populations that don't follow the administrative boundaries of pensions.

King County in Washington State, which contains the Seattle metro area, has a life expectancy of 86.3 years. This is higher than any country in the world. If you move one county south (Pierce), it is 75.7 years, slightly worse than the US average currently. Not surprisingly, there are many obvious factors that may contribute to this e.g. the obesity rate in Pierce County is 50% higher and the obesity rate in King County is roughly half the US obesity rate. The Seattle metro is a relatively walkable city and people do, Pierce County is not. As a matter of demographics, King County is significantly more Asian than Pierce County. And so on.

Both counties are geographically large and contain many municipalities. It is difficult to come up with a theory where pension fraud in King County is so high relative to Pierce County that it explains a >10 year difference in life expectancy.

Those people are statistically irrelevant. Not enough of them to drag the average much one way or the other.
For every pension fraud that went on that long and took such an obvious risk with continuing to a notable age, I imagine there were hundreds or thousands of shorter frauds.
In this case, the “shorter frauds” involve dying near the reported date of death? By your definition, the postulated (unreported) deviation is statistically insignificant.
This will not age well.
Cutting out sugar and useless carbs, and trying to replace those things with nuts and quality proteins - more nourishing and filling substitutes, can help a bit, I think. Mostly, try to stay away from refined sugar and products containing sugar or corn syrup. And for the love of God, lots more vegetables. Less dairy perhaps?

Get an apartment on at least the third floor, in a building without a lift.

Get a pet dog which needs to be walked several times a day.

Eat lots of chili peppers[0]:

"The analysis included data from more than a half a million people in multiple countries. When compared with people who never or rarely ate chili pepper, those who ate it regularly had lower rates of death due to cardiovascular disease (by 26%), cancer (by 23%), or any cause (by 25%)."

[0] https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/will-eating-more-chilis-....

A little bit of high-intensity workout each week?

I know people who are incapable of eating lunch or any meal without a large can/bottle of full-strengh coca cola or such, ever single day. Most of whom complain about not being able to lose weight.

The science is pretty clear. Breaking out of old habits is much more challenging.

EDIT: Typos: whole -> whom, mean -> meal

The health effects of nuts are fairly overstated especially since many of them are high in PUFAs.
I think my main point was about reducing all sugar, and reducing the intake of garbage carbs.

"Although nuts are high in fat, it’s mainly healthier unsaturated fat. They contain protein, B vitamins, vitamin E and minerals, including iron, potassium, selenium, magnesium, zinc and copper."[0]

[0] https://www.bhf.org.uk/informationsupport/heart-matters-maga....

We're not living longer. We're dying more slowly.
  • neffy
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  • 9 hours ago
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Isn´t this also an issue with World War's 1 and 2? They both dented life expectancy fairly significantly, and that cohort is now aging out of the figures. If the rate of increase is being measured, then that would presumably play a small part?
The way life expectancy is usually calculated, it shouldn't have an effect. It is calculated is by looking at the mortality rate for each age group, which gives a probability of death for each age, and by simulating people growing up in such conditions, and then taking the average age of death.

By doing so, historical events outside of the study period don't have a major effect. In this study, they deliberately avoided the covid pandemic as it would have caused a significant drop in life expectancy that is not representative of a general trend. Of course, the future is not taken into account either. Despite what the name may suggest, life expectancy is like a snapshot of the studied period (1990-2019 here), not a prediction.

Talking about the number of people who live over 100 along with the average life expectancy seems to be mixing two unrelated things.

To show that we are hitting a limit on our ability to extend lifetime, we really should look at having reached 95, how many people reach 105 or something like that.

To say that the average life expectancy is dropping and therefore we have reached our limit on their ability to extend the lifetimes ignores the fact that much of the reason for a stage life expectancy drop in my country is lifelong maltreatment, often self-inflicted--death-oriented decisions on drugs, nutrition, and activity.

Frustrating that an article with a title like this doesn't include a single graph.
Did we expect it to grow forever?
The actual story here is that it's slowing down because the lower tail is growing, not because the upper tail is compressing as we hit some kind of upper limit of human longevity. That is: more people are actually dying younger, which has been gradually offsetting other people living longer.
I wonder if "life expectancy" is really such a useful metric, since it aggregates so many different things together. It's kind of like measuring "aggregate years of human life lived".
It seems reasonable to expect it to grow even at a diminished rate until everyone enjoys equivalent access to health care, nutrition, occupational safety etc but that is subject to the political environment, priorities of the electorate and the capacity of the economy. Without pandemic, famine, war or natural disaster a decline in life expectancy is generally the result of public policy for a rich democracy and not an inevitability.

I think we need to distinguish between longevity and health though. Lots of people live with chronic disease and giving them more quality of life counts for more than longer life IMO.

If not forever, but if 200-ish becomes a norm, it would be super awesome. Now, it is like, “Awesome, I know this, I know that. I need to learn that.” “Hold on, time to die.”
200 at what qualitative life point currently? 80? 90? 100?

Spending an other 100 years like say from 80 to 100... Well you are alive, but still...

My grandfather lived to 104. More impressive was that he still played tennis regularly in his 90s.

It's not his lifespan I aspire to, but his healthspan.

I assure you many aspects of a society where 200 years old becomes a normal life expectancy would be a hellscape and not "awesome." We already currently have a massive societal and economic problem with aging populations as things currently are.
  • ben_w
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  • 4 hours ago
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The problems are due to what aging involves and the lack of young people inverting the population pyramid; getting us to 200 at all means solving every age-related biological problem, while also meaning we have longer to start a family and have kids to stabilise that population pyramid.
Lol ok so imagine your dream scenario is everyone, magically and with equality, is able to live and reproduce to absurdly long time frames - that’s also a hellscape in so many easily imaginable ways. you’ll start to see jobs requiring 100+ years experience or with the right genetic modifications to make you insurable enough to invest a 60 year career into. Since this is all science fiction, we can imagine all sorts of things as we understand this is fiction. My only real point is this isn’t a utopian future. we can’t deal with the amount of humans we already have at the ages they live to. I don’t see what solving aging does to solve any of these problems.
Kind of ironic that your "hellscape" is created by an increased difficulty to get a job.
you'd rather everyone die than to see experience requirements for certain jobs go up?
What a rude comment.

Everyone already dies.

Come on wouldn't it be great fun with a dozen diseases, broken hip bone, shitting in diapers (if one can afford) people celebrating their 177th birthday. Seems people would sacrifice their first born if such dream life is guaranteed.
Physical exercise is the most potent life extension intervention we have. So it's very unlikely we'll get anyone to 200 if they're stuck in bed with a broken hip.
The macroeconomic implications of that large a fraction of the population being above working age or such a large fraction of one's life not being working years are not exactly great.
  • ben_w
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  • 4 hours ago
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Apart from the fact that "working age" doesn't mean the same thing in a world that has anti-aging interventions?

Our economic system is incompatible with the next 200 years irregardless of what specifically gets invented.

At 5%/year, that's a factor (not percentage) of 17292 growth; in energy terms that's not quite boiling the oceans, but it is making the poles the only barely livable zone.

In any sense besides energy, this kind of growth implies automation that makes the meaning of work radically different than today. Human or superhuman AI would be an example of that, but the successful creation of that has other complications that we can currently only guess at with less awareness than the Victorians had of climate change or biodiversity loss.

If someone said “my son has stopped wetting the bed”, would you reply “did you expect them to wet the bed forever”? What if someone said “my leg no longer hurts”, would you reply “did you expect it to hurt forever”? How about “my bag of candy is almost empty”, would you reply “did you expect it to be full forever”?

The information that something stopped or slowed down is still useful without having to think it was going to go on eternally. It allows you to adjust your plans for the future.

> my mother died

> did you expect her to live forever?

And then some.

I understand some tech billionaire want to live forever by eating hundreds of pills a day for nutrition, anti-aging, disease control etc. Their life may be "great" for some definition of great.

But do billions of people on earth think that their life will become great in another 50 years even if it is rather miserable right now? I just live under rock to not know the desires of modern human.

I always wondered why I personally know almost nobody who has managed to exceed average age. With the only exception of my previous landlady, she became 95. In my family, the average age is roughly 60, with three siblings on my fathers side dying before 50. Both my grandpas died around 50. My best friend died with 18. Many of the fellow blind people I know died below 50. And I am from a relatively rich country, with classical western standards. It is almost as if I was thrown into a local minimum while the simulation was set up. I would understand if the phenomenon was largely limited to my family, call it genes then. But it doesn't end there. I guess the personal statistics becomes only meaningful after your own death and beyond. But really, looking at how many people had to pass away early, I am beginning to get spooked.
> I would understand if the phenomenon was largely limited to my family, call it genes then

Perhaps there are other shared variables besides genes? For one thing, blindness is associated with higher mortality [1]. And even within a country, life expectancy can vary dramatically by region, city, and even neighborhood. Or perhaps the people you know happen to be more likely to share certain occupations, mindsets, levels of physical activity, or diets?

Or maybe it's just coincidence.

[1] https://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/article/PIIS2214-1...

I wonder how Ozempic will change this? I really do expect we will all be on this soon and maybe we can resume the increase in lifespan that has been stalled by obesity, lack of exercise, and processed food.
  • jvans
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  • 10 hours ago
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> I really do expect we will all be on this

When antibiotics were first invented some people thought we'd be taking them daily as a vitamin. Turns out that's not such a good idea despite them being life saving in some scenarios

This is a thing that always blows my mind.

The accepted view is a lot like the accepted views to mono-cultures for crops. In that they are bad. The practiced take, though, is quite the opposite? Crops are dominated by mono-cultured fields. And though antibiotics are known not to be used constantly, farms seem to use them at an amazing rate.

I'd love to see a longer exploration of this. Why is it farms seem to be full of practices that we are taught are bad?

  • Izkata
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  • 49 minutes ago
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> The practiced take, though, is quite the opposite? Crops are dominated by mono-cultured fields.

Not exactly. We have crop rotation because over time a strict mono-culture wasn't very good.

  • taeric
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  • 28 minutes ago
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I'm curious on the numbers on this. Every time the general topic comes up, avocados and bananas seem to come up and completely spurn the idea. Googling says 80+% of crops are rotated on a regular basis. Though, it is noted that "cover crops" are sub 10% of rotations. Which seem to be required for fruit farms.

At any rate, I'll be reading more on this some. I have real work I should be doing, after all. :D

My totally off-the-cuff theory is that we’ll only need a lifetime of ozempic and its clones every 3-4 generations to reset the obesity cycle.

I guess we’ll soon be able to measure the impacts on what it does to the children of parents that take it.

How have McDonalds Happy Meal sales been looking lately?

I'm not fat or diabetic. Why would I take ozempic?
Assuming you're not on drugs or thinking of killing yourself, you're probably not in the cohort that's dragging the life expectancy stats down.

Life expectancy is a weighted average (no pun intended), and so it's unusually sensitive to outliers. People who die early drag the average down much more than people who live close to the mean life expectancy. The biggest premature killers of Americans are obesity, drugs, car accidents, and suicide. Anything that addresses one of those causes of death has an outsize effect on life expectancy. There are 100M+ obese Americans. There are about 100,000 overdose deaths per year. Obesity, while not as lethal as drugs or suicide, afflicts 1000x as many patients, and so a treatment for it can have a large effect on the numbers.

> The Oxford University research found that moderate obesity, which is now common, reduces life expectancy by about 3 years, and that severe obesity, which is still uncommon, can shorten a person's life by 10 years. This 10 year loss is equal to the effects of lifelong smoking.


> According to the CDC, 9.4% of adults in the United States were severely obese between August 2021 and August 2023. This is higher for women (12.1%) than men (6.7%). The prevalence of severe obesity varies by age group, with the highest rates in adults aged 40–59 (12.0%)

Only 9.4% of people are severely obese. Moderately obese people have only a ~4% shorter life-span than healthy weight individuals - much of which can probably be attributed to other lifestyle issues besides simply being overweight.

This will move the needle, but I doubt as much as you think.

There's a lot more smokers than there are severely obese people.

>There's a lot more smokers than there are severely obese people.

Huh, I was going to argue this, but you're right (in the US). 19.5% of the population smokes, so there's about twice as many smokers as severely obese people.

I was sure it had dropped to 5-10%. I guess I'm in a bubble (of fresh air).

Kind of a tangent but I think a big part of the explanation for declining life expectancy is hiding here in plain sight.

Since everyone knows smoking is bad for a long time now, we’re going to eventually need to categorize stuff like lung-cancer as a death of despair, similar to other deaths caused by alcoholism, opioids, or suicide.

A lot of people who otherwise might quit smoking are probably looking at impossible dreams of home ownership or retirement, and thinking consciously or unconsciously that there is more dignity in a death at 50-60ish than one at 80ish when you’re unemployable and the thin promises of social safety nets have fallen through.

Smoking (or other high risk activities) might be a dirty habit but it’s still more socially acceptable than suicide.

That's a bleak view. I doubt a substantial percentage of smokers are smoking specifically to die sooner.

Most of them are smoking primarily because they're addicted.

A few of them actually like smoking.

Dying sooner is certainly not why they started.. rather the bleakness of outlook is a (fairly rational) reason why they don’t quit.

If obesity is supposed to be the other main candidate for why life expectancy is down, you can do a similar analysis there. Is life really good enough to prolong or attempt to improve for people that are in at-risk categories? That’s the question people are looking at when they choose to move towards or away from self-care. For someone who makes minimum wage and already has to choose between paying for a date or paying for rent, it makes less sense for them to care much about losing weight, because it makes a bad life longer but won’t help their love life.

This is how practically all population-level analysis of health is just economics in disguise, even without directly looking at costs of medicine/services

It would be really interesting to see a stat that is like… “life expectancy without morbidities that can be avoided with some effort.”

Which, I recognize is a pretty privileged way of putting it—people struggle with weight, mental health, and drugs, and those are real struggles that shouldn’t be ignored. I just also want to see where things are developing on the upper-bound for reasonably plausible lifespans.

  • ·
  • 5 hours ago
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>Life expectancy is a weighted average

Sure, if all the weights are 1. Where i come from, we just call that an average.

>People who die early drag the average down much more than people who live close to the mean life expectancy.

This is true of all averages where all weights are the same.

I should probably have said the change in life expectancy is a weighted average, weighted by how far you are from the average. If average life expectancy is 80, removing a data point where somebody died at 40 has 8x the effect of removing a data point where somebody died at 75.
In case anyone else is curious about the specific term for the concept you are describing, it's https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leverage_(statistics)

(To reproduce exactly the scenario being discussed, you fit a constant-only model to the data using least squares: that gives the average as the best fit. Then, you measure the leverage of each point of interest.)

Ok, that makes a lot more sense in light of your argument!
Yeah, I'm still kind of confused by this sentiment. There's a cohort that claims metformin somehow extends life as well. I'm pretty sure if a doctor prescribed me Ozempic that'd be grounds for malpractice.
It does. But not exactly in healthy humans by any sizable amount. Works pretty well for diabetics and prediabetics, and in cases of PCOS. Otherwise the effect is rather small and depends on prevention of diabetes and a few kinds of cancer.

It has a side effect of reducing muscle gains from exercise.

As for life extension by GLP-1 active drugs, it's much more of a guess. Mechanism is relatively similar. Side effects might not be...

Ozempic seems to have a large number of positive effects for virtually everyone. It's a little premature to think everyone will be on it "soon" and there are plenty of people who won't take something even if it's universally beneficial.
Not that many. Probably less than or similar to metformin. For the silly cost, it's not very effective at extending life.

And there are potential bad side effects too.

Yeah why would I take a pill if I can get the same effect through discipline and hard work? I understand not everyone can do that but if I can it would be absurd for me to take a drug for the rest of my life. Especially when I enjoy the work involved in changing my weight and body composition.

If a doctor tried to push that on me I would fire that doctor.

Because you already take many modern shortcuts and conveniences to avoid hard work, why not take this one?
Taking a medication with potentially severe side effects (including perhaps some that we haven't found yet) is hardly equivalent to using a machine to wash my clothes.
Iunno, I don’t think the side effects of a washing machine have been studied at all.

We’re really flying in the dark there.



> Known as GLP-1 agonists, these drugs were originally developed to help control diabetes. But there's increasing evidence that they have other health benefits, beyond controlling weight. They seem to boost heart health, protect the kidneys, improve sleep apnea, and lower the risk of certain obesity-related cancers.

In our relentless quest for longevity and a richer life experience, one profound consideration emerges: the role of sleep in our daily lives. Sleep, which consumes approximately one-third of our existence, represents a significant barrier to maximizing our time and productivity. If we could find a safe way to eliminate the need for sleep, we would theoretically unlock vast reservoirs of hours previously devoted to rest, transforming them into opportunities for personal and societal advancement.
Not suggesting anyone try this but some people claim to sleep only two hours a day with this approach: https://www.sleepfoundation.org/how-sleep-works/polyphasic-s... "Uberman Sleep Schedule: Six 20-minute naps are spaced evenly throughout the day, totaling two hours of sleep per 24-hour period."

A book on sleep and how important it is to learning and health: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Why_We_Sleep "Walker spent four years writing the book, in which he asserts that sleep deprivation is linked to numerous fatal diseases, including dementia. ... The values of sleep and the consequences of sleep deprivation are also brought up in the book. One particular research conducted in the past, where people volunteered themselves to sleep for only six hours in a span of 10 nights, is brought up by Walker. This resulted in the volunteers being "cognitively impaired" along with their brains being heavily damaged, regardless of the three week eight-hour sleep schedule they received later."

> Sleep, which consumes approximately one-third of our existence, represents a significant barrier to maximizing our time and productivity.

"Millions long for immortality who don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon." — Susan Ertz, Anger in the Sky (1943)

That question was solved by social media.
The current thinking is that Alzheimers and dementia are caused by the brain’s waste disposal system malfunctioning and results in an accumulation of proteins in the brain that damages a lot of important functions. This waste disposal only happens during sleep.


> If we could find a safe way to eliminate the need for sleep, we would theoretically unlock vast reservoirs of hours previously devoted to rest, transforming them into opportunities for personal and societal advancement.

While in practice, what would happen is that we’d be doing more of the same. Bosses would be demanding more time in the office, people would be spending more time doomscrolling, nothing would change. It’s a pipe dream to think that if we had more time in the day we’d suddenly start using it more respectfully and responsibly.

we currently spend about half our waking hours during the day at work during the week. if we got those 8 hours of sleep back then presumably we would get 4 more hours of non-working awake time.

seems decent to me. I hate sleeping, the problem is i get tired and cant avoid it.

On the plus side, this would solve the housing problem too. Without the nuisance of sleep requirements we would move to the offices and live, ahem, produce there 24/7. Much like cattle.

This is the great future the visionary OP envisions for us.

I have a hard time imagining this will ever become a reality; the need for sleep is fairly deeply hard-coded in how our brains operate, and I believe it's also needed for some more basic cellular functions.

It's not binary I guess (sleep "once a week" is less than "sleep once a day"), but even some incremental improvements seem very far off.

One also has to wonder if it's actually desirable to have less sleep and be "on" with fewer or no breaks.

One of my favorite science fiction novels deals with this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beggars_in_Spain
Read the novella and skip the novel.
What a fascinating book series that I've never heard of. It looks like it sort of takes a middle ground between Le Guin and Rand?
It doesn't preach so much as it explores. The author strikes me as being more economically literate than Rand or LeGuin, but not as good a writer as the latter.

The real and staggering excellence of the series is the speculation - it's not such hard SF that it explains the mechanisms by which everything happens, and there are real characters who do more than stand as cardboard observers to technology, but it's crunchier than most.

Hopefully it doesn't go like the X files episode: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleepless_(The_X-Files)

I'm all for getting rid of sleep, but given how society is structured I worry that the extra time will just end up being used for longer commutes and more zoom calls. Hardly advancement.

Have you ever considered that sleep can actually make your life richer in interesting experiences?
For some reason I would feel disappointed if sleep was a solved issue. I feel as though perhaps I need that daily break from being conscious for my own mental health.
Enter cocaine
Micro dosing cocaine might have positive impacts over long time periods.

We really don’t know and have made it nigh impossible to study. Obviously governments are trying to hide something.

Well said. "Youth is wasted on the young"
>”It tells you that something pretty negative is happening among some subgroups of the population to drag the average down, because the wealthier, more highly educated subgroups are actually doing better,” Olshansky says.”

It is expensive to live a healthy lifestyle in the US.