• yfw
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  • 11 hours ago
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I did this a while ago as well for rsa vs aes implementations. https://yifeiwu.github.io/subtlecrypto-demo/
That's cool, thanks for sharing it.
How are the public and private keys generated and stored?
Generation, signature, verification, and some more crypto operations are performed with the standard browser Crypto APIs (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SubtleCrypt...).

Storage of the private key is another thing. For a web app it is difficult to acces a hardware-based storage system. So typically it is stored in Localstorage or IndexdedDB, encrypted using a user-provided password. It is possible (but very involved and I have not seen web apps using it) to use WebAuthn for that.

I couldn't explain better, thank you !
Very cool wanted to build something similar myself
Nice! You can check my source code and create your implementation!

