Show HN: The Probability Times
Hey HN! The idea for this started when I came across the election forecast of FiveThirthyEight [1]. They show a 1000 different possible election outcomes - each one possible.

In this newspaper homepage, I try to turn these simulations into reality by feeding AI with as much detailed information about a simulation as I can (e.g. voting results per state). See source code here [2].

The whole process is explained in more depth in my blog post:



Jokes aside, I feel like this is how journalist work. They need to have news ready for both outcomes
Yeah! I see this in soccer all the time --- interesting indeed. I wonder if they need to pick several cases (a tight win for team A, for team B, a draw, an embarrassing loss of A, for B, ...)
An anxiety spiker website.
> Donald Trump Concedes...

Hm, maybe the prompt is too tightly constrained.

There is historical precedent for Donald Trump refusing to concede a presidential race, as seen in the 2020 election when he did not formally concede to Joe Biden and instead launched numerous legal challenges, citing unsubstantiated claims of election fraud.

But I concede that no such outcome is represented in the FiveThirtyEight dataset.

Indeed, I’m just piping FiveThirthyEight > facts > LLM. And what the LLM makes of that is what you’re seeing, I tried to brief it as dry as possible in the prompt!
I was going to point out this flaw too...

Also, Tuesday is election Day, why would a paper with that date already have the results; it won't. In 2020 the final count result came several days after the election day, although by that point Biden had enough EC votes.

A more interesting "predict the future" site would be one that can see the mood of the angry side of the electorate (e.g. based on social media) and predict terroristic acts big and small.

As an article I read a while ago and happen to agree with, the country is already in the next civil war, a lot of people are just in denial. One can deem it a cold civil war.

Hilarious. Can be applied to sporting events...
woah, super cool concept... what made you choose this 'future path(s)' and would you've done any others?
Love the concept - though in the versions where Trump loses, you should probably say 'Trump says system is rigged, or election stolen, etc.' -- we all know he'll never concede when he loses.
A Trump-LLM would be simple and accurate enough.. "it's not my fault, it's that Tony Hinchliffe who messed it up for me!"
I deliberately tried to keep the content neutral. The goal of the website is translating statistics to something tangible - not adding an extra sauce of assumptions to it!
You can be politically neutral or factually neutral - not both. Seems like you chose the former.
In what way is this factually not neutral?
That Trump would have conceded election if he lost is not factual.
Are you claiming this because you believe one side has a monopoly on the truth?
No, I'm claiming this because reality and facts have a liberal bias.
Interesting concept, but some of the pictures are a bit weird. There’s one with Biden and Harris in a practically romantic embrace.
I was given one of Kamala interviewing Kamala surrounded by a crowd of smiling clone men.

Edit: I got another that's definitely supposed to be people lined up at a polling station, but they're all oriented towards the building so it looks more like a mass indecency crime

This was one of the hard parts of making this. I think I discarded about 70% of all generated images, and I was aware that the remaining 30% was still borderline sometimes.

I my blogpost, I have a few examples of the discarded ones, including one of Harris and Obama in a similar romantic vibe:

I think at some point in the prompt I literally said that they were not romantically involved.

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  • 2 months ago
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