1. The black circle is the ball; you roll the dice to determine the amount of moves
2. after the dice roll, the allowed moves will be shown - as yellow squares near the ball; this is a very faint yellow and easy to miss
3. to move the ball, roll the dice then click on the faint yellow squares near the ball (or further away if you rolled a 6).
- Click barely noticeable hamburger menu in the top left
- Click "How to Play"
You might need to zoom out a bit to see the whole map, the hole was hidden for me initially
Also, maybe some optional crowd noise if you hit it past the hole or hit it in the wrong direction due to an over-roll.
My first thought was selecting from various dice with different distributions to represent the various golf clubs.
My second was that a hex grid would offer a much better variety of options. The square grid only has 1 or 2 useful directions that can bring you closer. A hex grid would typically have 2 to 3 useful directions.a hex
Then I thought, this sounds like a good base for a board game, did a search and turns out there already is one that uses that formula! https://boardgamegeek.com/image/6370656/roll-in-one
edit: I kept going for another 10 rolls before bailing out of the loop for one iteration and got back into the cycle again immediately on returning to the start point. ie: I went A-B-A-B...A-C-A-B... where C was also 3 steps away from A and I rolled a 3 on C too). Definitely seems like it's a partially deterministic stroke roll.
Trees block you. You can't finish your move on sand or water. You also can't do "knight moves". So you're kind of stuck going straight or at 45 degree angles.
Being able to do that 20+ times makes it really improbable the rolls were truly random numbers hence my question.
For a fair single die, every possible sequence of a given length is equally (im)probable. We tend to notice the ones that are particularly convenient or inconvenient, but they are exactly as likely as any of the less memorable ones.
Edit: figured out what was wrong, I had bedtime mode turned on which desaturated the screen, making the light yellow impossible to see. Suggestion: make the highlight more visible/accessible
I also thought the black circle was the hole, not the ball. Golf balls are normally white, not black.
EDIT: it appears that the highlights (and trails) disappear if you scroll up and down a few times (iOS mobile safari)
The specificity of the result after such a long time gambling without real reward is oddly satisfying.
I also wonder if the graphics wouldn't make playing easier for color blind folks. :)
My only gripe is that it doesn't seem to be very desktop friendly. I'm on FF 192.0.2 (64bit) and I can't figure out how to pan or zoom around the play field.
It would also be nice to see a "par" or statistical breakdown of levels compared with other people. The randomness might make this a bit tricky but things like Crypt of the Necrodancer use seeded levels and, presumably, seeded RNGs for other elements of the randomness in levels to make it consistent across players.
Super simple and super effective. Very nice.
I should do the following things first:
1) Give credit to Paper's app in next update 2) Convert it to mobile app
The docs say that's how it works, but clearly that's not how it was implemented.
"Move straight or diagonally up to the dice value"
Scrolling is wrorking in a weird way in movile Chrome. I can go down but not up.
Try thinking of it as mini golf/putt putt where the ball only rolls
Also, as an untested idea, it would be nice to have two dices and be able to select one of them or the other or the sum. Perhaps both dice then disappear, or perhaps the unused dice goes to the next round like in scrabble. The idea is to have more possibilities to think in each step (like make a small jump and aim to a nice diagonal, or go to the shore and hope a big hit next turn). This reduce the nasty effect of getting a 1. But I'm not sure if any of these variants are more fun, and all of them take a while to be implemented.
Yeah. As a general rule of game dev, if there is a different icon, then its behavior should be different.
You should be able to go over water at any point, as long as you've got the distance for it.
Ugh, you sound just like the manager of the last seventeen mini-golf places I've been kicked out of. I shall not apologize for my athleticism!
Though I probably should have apologized to the parents of those kids who they had to call an ambulance for.
Also I block html5 auto playback by default which you appear to use for some animation stuff. It'd be great if the game could work without it.