This became widespread enough to be mentioned at the new employee orientation.
I once pranked a coworker/friend with a Windows installation screen after lunch break. He was … astounded. The thing is, we were all using Debian in this company.
Accessing someone’s computer and manipulating the software was instant termination at my old company. Some new security guy joined and tried to do what you did. Find unlocked computers and mess with them to prove a point. He lasted a week.
Ideally the prank is pulled in a high-trust, low-stakes environment like a college campus or high school computer lab, before corporate policies are part of one's life.
It is also a rich tradition, from the days of yore, before robust security practices became standard:
I would much rather my colleagues be taught this lesson (even if just through a verbal reprimand) than work with someone who is allowed to remain ignorant of the risks of their behaviour.
I worked at a place where if you left your laptop unlocked, anyone could use your slack account to announce you were buying breakfast for the team tomorrow. That was more effective than any training video they could have made us watch. But I obviously wouldn't do something like that as a lone wolf.
Where I used to work the thing was to reply-all to emails simply saying "I love you very much".
That's a very strange policy to apply to your security team. They have good reason to make a point about leaving your workstation unsecured.
Working for NCC Group, the expectation was that if you left your computer unsecured, something would happen to it, and you, not the person who followed office policy by highlighting your mistake, would look bad.
But I do sort of miss the days when we had a little more fun with computers even at work. Twenty years ago it was pretty ubiquitous to get a goofy desktop background if you left your machine unsecured all the time and I never saw any harm come from it.
Times change I suppose.
If calling out somebody’s unlocked computer gets them punished for real, nobody will call out their friends…
There was even an internal site with the unicorn image.
To this day a few milliseconds before I stand up I wiggle my mouse to lock the screen. Muscle memory because lessons were learned
Always easy to catch the people who usually work from home.
When there is any actual malware or security incident, you don't want your colleagues to think of you and go "Maybe this is just Dave pulling one of his clever pranks".
I'm not sure what the lesson here is.
Was this the extension?
Maybe Microsoft could bring back the Bob team to integrate pets with all facets of VS Code.
This... this needs to happen!
I want to hear how huge my code is.
Some I ran ~30 years ago:
There were even things like this for text mode DOS. I had one that was smiley faces moving around eating letters.
Not really: both Google's internal VS Code based IDE and Colab have various background pets as an option: [1]. I am pretty sure the developer saw them.
Move your mouse around and it will follow you.
It's too bad I don't use vscode. I think it would be cool to have something that can jump between terminal emulators, something that isn't shackled to a text editor.EDIT: I seem to vaguely remember something similar to this concept from some anime I watched that depicted a "hacker". It might have been serial experiments lain, or cowboy bebop..
That said, I have a real pet, when I get the feeling to play with it, I do so, and it helps my mind to come up with a solution while I'm not consciously thinking about it. I often came up with great ideas while I was talking to my girlfriend as well, essentially when I wasn't actively focusing on the issue.