Did you (or the AI) code the editor too? That's great. If it was another VSCode fork I wouldn't upvote.
The "coded by AI" is because the AI did the bulk of the code generation leaving me to focus on the design, improving the structure, etc. There are a few places where I did more of the design work (e.g. the structure of the parsers and lexers used for syntax highlighting), but I had the AI do much of the refactoring.
To keep the AI on track I designed a lightweight language, Metaphor, that keeps it focused on the intent of what I want. There are currently about 1300 lines of Metaphor, describing the user-visible behaviour of a 15k lines of Python app.
Of course, I watch the AI pretty carefully to ensure it doesn't do weird things but give it the right context and it's pretty amazing to watch (there's a video of me having the AI build the JSON lexer/parser yesterday morning up on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-1XbJkHwHQ). For transparency, I did find one bug in the 300 lines it coded in the video :-)