Ask HN: Websites / Apps that aren't a waste of time?
With X, formerly Twitter, going the way it has, I find myself lacking spaces on the internet to scroll and learn things at the same time (besides this one.)

Where does HN spend their downtime on the internet?

You could try the Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link:
  • nom
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  • 2 hours ago
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> to scroll and learn things

Maybe you can approach this a bit differently, it sounds like you are looking for another place to waste your time without learning anything.

Learning doesn't happen by scrolling.

When you find interesting blog posts on HN, skim the other articles on the blog and if they seem interesting, subscribe to their RSS feeds.

For the Mac/iOS I use NetNewsWire. It syncs over iCloud and it’s free and open source.

I deleted my Reddit account last year after 8 years.

> aren't a waste of time

> spaces on the internet to scroll

These 2 are mutually exclusive ;)

“Scroll and learn” sounds like oxymoron.
Scrolling is OK if there is an end. Like a blog post!
Have you tried joining any relevant discord groups?
Setup an RSS feed.
Reddit is unusable
Read newspapers. Read about Philisophy and society. Look up data on national/local trends (national/local government usually have databasen). Educate yourself.

Lord knows the world need more of that in the coming years.