I encourage everyone to read this: https://archive.is/g6ElI
The parallels are staggering.
If people want to criticize the current changes as wasting money, then it’s intellectually dishonest not to call out other agencies such as the FAA for their nonsense.
At some point I should be answerable for not representing myself properly without just playing little kid “I’m rubber and you’re glue” games, right?
Also it was just a recommendation as far as my searching can find, for example https://www.nationalreview.com/news/faa-panel-recommends-cha...
This summary of a 2024 FAA re-authorization has the word 'cockpit' 6 times, so I'm dubious that much was done with that recommendation.
EDIT: Fixed link,
Joke aside, the term comes from the navy, the place where the cockswain/coxswain, the person in charge of a boat, is. Should that post be renamed to flight swain?
If we're going to make such efforts to change words, I think it's time for a new artificial non-ambiguous language as the international standard. That way, we could learn our local dialects, and the common tongue where all the historical warts are corrected. As a bonus, computers would be more efficient with a non-ambiguous natural language.
Do you? Because I'm guessing it was virtually nothing. That does not sound like a particularly costly activity.
> If people want to criticize the current changes as wasting money, then it’s intellectually dishonest not to call out other agencies
This is the definition of whataboutism. Also, "wasting money" is not near the top of my list of the problems with government agencies being told they're not allowed to mention women.
This is EXACTLY the same thing, it is 100% virtue signaling and we are burning so much time, money, and goodwill on fucking bullshit nonsense
Meanwhile the economy is in shambles, the executive branch is systematically destroying the rest of the government, and China and Russia grow ever stronger and ever more disdainful of us
I would elect a black trans president in a heartbeat if I thought they could win the inevitable conflict over Taiwan. It IS an existential threat and the most immediate one meaning it is the HIGHEST PRIORITY
And before anyone starts pointing fingers I did not vote for Trump in any election
Improving the opportunities available to people tends to improve economic productivity, so it's hard to argue it is a total waste of money.
On the other hand, removing mentions or attempts to improve inclusion of these groups in the face of rising racism and sexism has no real upside unless you're a racist or misogynist. Purges of this sort don't have any real economic motivations, it's pure ideology.
One was more of an investment, the other is more destruction.
Of course while the DEI scrubbing is dangerous to just some people, the scrubbing of climate-related language is just genocidal.
Not really. It's all language games.
This is just the mirror image of the liberal conceit they can magically change reality by forcing people to use different words or over-elevating some story (old or new) for ideological reasons.
The lesson from this is that it's all stupid, not just my-side's version, and it should stop.
Lots of weasel words there.
> On the other hand, removing mentions or attempts to improve inclusion of these groups in the face of rising racism and sexism has no real upside unless you're a racist or misogynist.
Lots of absolutism there
It’s easy to argue it’s a waste of money if it is not effective. That being said, not all DEI initiatives are created equal (hah) - some are fine, some are useless but harmless, and some seem harmful.
That’s why the guy below me
> So if DEI language was bad, then correcting it should be a good idea
Is wrong just like you are, because DEI language isn’t universally bad or good.
The point that I’m trying to make is we should be worrying more about things like global warming and the economy and the dictatorships coming to murder us all, which anyone with a brain knows for 100% certain that there is a problem and that we have options to fix it. Unlike DEI where everyone has their own definition of what good is.
> the scrubbing of climate-related language is just genocidal.
100% agree. What Trump is doing is actively splitting the country and distracting from much more important issues
I don’t have a dog in this hunt (I didn’t vote for either of them), but I think its fair to say that Trump seems to be pretty much trying to do most everything he promised in his campaign (which obviously attracted enough votes for him to win). Perhaps people just believe that politicians say a bunch of shit to get elected—then do something else and never expected this level of follow through.
Either way, this is what America voted for…and are apparently what we are going to get.
In Europe, if given such instructions, the employee could likely refuse to comply. Upon the likely firing, they can easily contest the decision at an employment tribunal, and likely win, regardless of who is president.
In the US, I suppose it would be GTFO, and even more so as the employee is likely a H1B visa holder.
> Off-Topic: Most stories about politics, or crime, or sports, or celebrities, unless they're evidence of some interesting new phenomenon. Videos of pratfalls or disasters, or cute animal pictures. If they'd cover it on TV news, it's probably off-topic.
There's a gray area here, because we are obviously interested in what NASA does, but the action is political.
Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.
Watch this video: https://graphics.social/@metin/113865450624948092
We knew what to do about fascists at one point. We have forgotten.
> if
I believe you mean "as our own history has shown us"
Tolerance is a peace treaty, and only extends to those who participate.
Tolerance is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others.
The Paradox of Tolerance: Karl Popper