I didn't know this technique existed at all, but it's really cool. Anyone have a good explanation?

Here is one that I found: https://scaniverse.com/news/intro-gaussian-splats

Seems to me like it's a way to capture a bunch of 2D pictures of a scene, but instead of turning them into meshes, you position them in a 3D point cloud but then use algorithms to calculate their position, angle, field of view, etc. and them seamlessly blend them together with other nearby pictures to create the illusion of depth. Is that right?

I like this Computerphile video:


The ability to overlay and merge multiple .ply files [1] is a great feature if you can match reference points and scale from the original scan then it can fill in detail gaps by running a few capture sessions. GSplats still need a lot of 'pixel' level cleanup to get the sample results quality level still beats point clouds any day of the week!

[1] https://github.com/playcanvas/supersplat/wiki/Editing-Scenes

  • bentt
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  • 3 weeks ago
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This is amazing and of course reminds me of Sketchfab. Nice work. I feel like people don't really get Gaussian Splats and what the advantages are over polygons.
I wish it worked better on Firefox mobile, but the examples look really good.
We deployed a fix for Firefox today. Can you try again and let me know how it goes?
Looks good!
  • est
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  • 3 weeks ago
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  • benob
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  • 3 weeks ago
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What software do you use to generate them?
You could use ODM to generate a point cloud and then use OpenSplat on it - both are open source and free software: https://github.com/OpenDroneMap/ODM / https://github.com/pierotofy/OpenSplat